Friday, August 03, 2007

Traveling again...

Just a quick update on my life; for the past few months I've been battling electricity cuts, water cuts, food shortages, fuel shortages and numerous other exciting things in Zimbabwe! Have been enjoying my teaching/counseling job there and thoroughly enjoying the adventure and vitality that defines life in Zim right now.

A week ago I hopped first on a bus and then on a plane, and have escaped for a few weks to the land of "plenty" --America -- where I'm working until early September. Then I intend to hop back on a plane, and then on a bus, and make my way back to Harare.

So much has happened in the past few months, but I'll write when I'm not so boiling hot and close-to-melting in Massachusetts! I hesitatingly just typed up and posted a poem I wrote ages ago.....I think so many of us white Africans frequently deal with feelings of weirdness and identity crisis. This is one way I've been able to get some of the stuff out of my head. Sorry if it sounds harsh! [and hope anyone is still reading this blog...i know I've SEVERELY neglected it....promise that while I have access to internet AND electricity, I'll make the most of it!!!]

:-) V


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